Jedinstven po svom konceptu Gitar Art Laureati je festival koji je već osam godina posvećn mladim umetnicima na gitari. Kada smo 2008. Počeli zrenjaninska muzička škola „Josif Marinković“ je imala samo jednu klasu gitare, danas ih ima pet. Ovo je egzaktni uspeh ovog festivala. Takođe, festival je dobitnik i prestižne nagrade grada Zrenjanina za doprinos kulturi. Na festivalu je do sada nastupilo preko 150 mladih muzičara iz cele Evrope i održano je više od 20 majstorskih radionica. Zahvaljujući saradnji sa renomiranim kamernim orkestrom „Sinfonieta Beograd“, omogućili smo mladim gitaristima da po prvi put u karijeri nastupaju sa orkestrom, ostvarili smo uspešnu saradnju sa Radio televizijom Srbije RTS Digital kanalom koji emituje naše koncerte, saradnju sa nekoliko muzičkih škola, fakultetima muzičkih umetnosti iz Beograda i Novog Sada, a od samog osnivanja smo partner, najvećem festivalu klasične gitare u zemlji, Gitar Art-u. |
Unique in its concept Guitar Art Laureats is a festival that is, already, eight years Committed to young artists on guitar. When we started 2008 in Zrenjanin music school „Josif Marinkovic“ had only one class of guitar, now there are five. This is the exact success of this festival. Also, the festival is the recipient of prestigious awards for his contribution to the city of Zrenjanin culture. The festival has presented over 150 young musicians from all over Europe and held more than 20 master classes. Thanks to cooperation with renowned chamber orchestra „Sinfonietta Belgrade,“ We enable young guitarists for the first time in their career perform with the orchestra. We have achieved successful cooperation with Radio Television of Serbia RTS Digital channel that broadcasts of our concerts. We also have excellent cooperation with a number of music schools, colleges Music Art in Belgrade and Novi Sad, and since its founding, we partner the biggest festival of classical guitar at home, Guitar Art-in. |