PanArt je neprofitno udruženje građana osnovano 2012. godine sa namerom da se bavi promocijom kulture i umetnosti u najširem smislu, a pre svega kroz filmsku i televizijsku formu. Pored toga što je ovo udruženje mlado, ono već može da se pohvali svojim učešćem u nekoliko izuzetnih projekata. Pan Art je organizator Gitar Art Laureati festivala, takođe, Beldocs Vojvodina, prvi festival dokumentarnog filma u Vojvodini, osmišljenog da promoviše, pre svega, dokumentarno stvaralaštvo AP Vojvodine. Samostalno je organizovao Beldocs Eho festival širom Srbije. U produkciji PanArt-a snimljen je kratki film po narudžbini o stradanju pančevačkih Jevreja za vreme Drugog svetskog rata. Za ovaj film Njegova ekselencija ambasador Izraela rekao je sledeće: „Video sam na stotine filmova o ovoj temi, ali ovaj film je jedan od najupečatljivijih i najoriginalnijih“. Producent je filma o Pančevačkom srpskom crkvenom pevačkom društvu povodom 175 godina od osnivanja ovog društva, producirao je i koncert hora Kir Stefan Srbin povodom stogodišnjice od smrti Stevana Stojanovića Mokranjca u Narodnom pozorištu u Beogradu, snimak koncerta emitovao RTS Digital. U koprodukciji sa RTV Santos iz Zrenjanina realizovao je projekat Kroz ravnicu o kulturnim ustanovama Banata (muzeji, pozorišta, galerije) emitovao i rts. Zatim, etnološki film o Ivanovu: Popika – zaboravljena dečija igra. Realizovali smo i sajt Narodnog muzeja Pančevo, portal Vituuelno Pančevo u saradnji sa Gradskom bibliotekom, kao i mobilnu aplikaciju za biblioteku. Trenutno je u pripremi projekat Virtuelni muzej uz podršku Ministarstva za trgovinu turizam i telekomunikacije. Naši partneri su Kulturni centri širom Srbije, Beldocs festival, Gitar Art Festival, a projekte smo realizovali uz pomoć i podršku Grada Pančeva, Grada Zrenjanina, Ministarstva Kulture i informisanja, Ministarstva trgovine turizmai telekomunikacija, Pokrajinskog sekretarijata za kulturu i mnogih drugih Imamo mnogo planova za budućnost i otvoreni smo za sve dobre ideje i dobre ljude. |
PanArt is a non-profit organization founded in 2012 with the intention to promote culture and art in the broadest sense, primarily through film and television form. Besides the fact that this association is young, it already boasts its participation in a number of outstanding projects. Pan Art is the organizer of the Guitar Art Laureate festival and also Beldocs Vojvodina- the first documentary film festival in Vojvodinadesigned to promote, above all, creative documentary in Vojvodina. PANART also independently organized Beldocs Echo festival in Serbia. PANART has produced a short film about the suffering of Pancevo Jews during World War II. For this film, his Excellency the Ambassador of Israel said : „I’ve seen hundreds of films on the subject, but this movie is one of the most striking and original.“ PANART has also produced a film about the Pancevo Serbian Church Choir in occasion was the 175th anniversary of the founding of this society, the association has produced a concert choir Kir Stefan the Serb and inundations was the centenary of the death of Stevan Stojanovic Mokranjac and the concert was held at the National Theatre in Belgrade, the concert was broadcast on RTS Digital. In co-production with RTV Santos from Zrenjanin realized a project Through the plains, the episode’s deal with cultural institutions Banat (museums, theaters, galleries) and broadcast by RTS. PANART recorded ethnological film about Ivanovo: Popik – the forgotten child’s play. We also carried out site of the National Museum in Pancevo, Pancevo. Virtuelno portal in cooperation with the City Library, as well as a mobile application for the library. We are currently preparing a project Virtual Museum with the support of the Ministry of trade and tourism and telecommunications. Our partners are the Cultural centers throughout Serbia, Beldocs Festival, the Guitar Art Festival, and the projects we have implemented with the help and support of the City of Pancevo, Zrenjanin City, the Ministry of Culture and Information, the Ministry of Commerce of tourism and telecommunications, the Provincial Department of Culture and many others We have many plans for the future and we are open to all good ideas and creative people. |